"We specialize in custom designed Audio Visual Systems for Funeral Chapels,Churches and Education"
'Excellent Solutions with Integrity'.
Please contact us to discuss your requirements.
Funeral Chapels
"Funeral Directors love using these systems"
Over the last 12 years Audiovision has installed over 180 AV systems specifically designed for funeral chapels. These "easy to use" systems are constantly evolving to incorporate the latest technology. We have recently designed a complete, affordable live webstreaming solution to allow all services to be streamed live to those who cannot attend a service.
Audiovision has a network of technicians in each capitol city in Australia for installation and service of our funeral chapel AV systems.
Installed Sound, projection, and productions systems
We have been involved in designing and installing sound systems for about 40 years now from large Line Array Concert systems to smaller portable systems. For the last 20 years the company has evolved to include Video Projection and displays, automated touch panel control systems, full video production and recording studio installations.
We pride ourselves in finding the right solution for your requirements.
Simple to use, high quality AV systems
We have installed several hundred classroom/lecture theatre/auditorium AV systems over the last 20 years with the emphasis on simplicity of use and long term reliability. We have recently completed the AV systems in the new Centre for Innovation and Creativity at Northside Christian College showcasing a wide variety of best in class solutions.